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HeySarge Resume


NAME: John J. Spillane IV

            Email -        Phone - 501-231-5632

            Facebook - HeySarge        Twitter- #HeySargeUSA


AREA OF EXPERTISE: Motivational Leadership Development (Making effective leaders)



- 30 years of United States Air Force experience specializing in personnel development, team building, education and training, process development, the ISD process, workforce management and quality assurance. I retired at the highest enlisted rank allowed by law, Chief Master Sergeant.   



- The last 10 years of my career I was the "FIX IT GUY!" Commanders would send me to organizations that were broken and I would fix them.  3 of my 4 last squadron's won Squadron of the Year honors while I was there or right after I left.  I am kind of proud of that fact. 

- I helped start an Air Force! I was honored to instruct the new Iraqi Air Force.  One flight I was on was recognized by the National Aeronautics Association as the most meritorious Air Force flight of the year! Our crew is now enshrined at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.  

- I flew on 5 types of aircraft during my career; I was also a certified Air Force Course Developer.

6,222 Flight hours: 428 Instructor hours, 43 Evaluator hours, 876 Combat hours.  I was blessed to be able to fly for my entire career.  

- As the Little Rock Air Force Base Loadmaster Functional Manager, oversaw Education and Training for 350 assigned Loadmasters including all classroom, ground, simulator and flight training.

- Intangibles: Doing the right things, for the right reasons, the right way, is the way I try to do everything.  I also believe that kindness is not a weakness and winning counts!



- I love playing the guitar but I am not very good.  I wrote a leadership book called, "Stuff You Don't Know About Leadership Until It Bites You In The Butt!" I have a music album called, "What's The Price of Freedom?" One of my music videos has 150,000 hits on YouTube.  I rode a motorcycle from Arkansas to Maine, in a day and a half, to get lobster with my friend. Jay Leno called me when I was at Hoover Dam!  He called me again when I was at that same friend's Retirement Ceremony 2 years later.  My wife is one of the best educators in the country.  I designed and helped build my own house.  I have been to over 50 countries.  Someone shot 5 surface to air missiles at me during the war in Iraq...they missed all 5 times!


Employment history:

May 2013-Present                 President of Spillane Enterprises LLC


Motivational Speaker and Business Consultant

HeySarge is a persona I developed to initiate discussions on leadership.  I believe that leadership is a learned skill and great leadership can change the world.  I also advise small and medium sized business on critical business and management decisions, human resource processes, public relations, event planning and execution.  My latest project was to lead the planning and execution of multiple events at a single venue on a single day.  Events included major media outlets, social networking, government leaders, industry partners and the public.  The events resulted in rapid business expansion for my clients and they are quickly becoming industry leaders in the local area. 


2010 – Feb 2013                     41st Airlift Squadron Superintendent


Responsible for all enlisted operations in the largest active duty C-130J squadron in the United States Air Force.  Oversaw all Loadmaster training, standardization, evaluations, scheduling, resource management and daily operations.  Developed squadron C-130J Loadmaster “cradle to grave career/education track” (to include indoctrination, a seasoning program, instructor qualifications, advanced training, training shop maintenance and Standardization and Evaluation) Supervised 82 enlisted personnel flying 16 aircraft.  As a result, the Squadron earned the Smith Trophy as the best Airlift Squadron in the United States Air Force in 2012.


2009 –2012                             19th Airlift Wing Loadmaster Functional Manager


Coordinated all aspects of career progression for 350 assigned and attached 19th Airlift Wing Loadmasters.  Evaluated training and upgrade training programs and made recommendations for improvement.    I mentored 35 Senior Non-commissioned officers in leadership and team building so that they could lead squadrons in mission execution.  Assigned inbound personnel based on qualifications, abilities, rank and the needs of 7 squadrons. 


2009 –2010                             19th Operations Support Squadron Superintendent


Led enlisted forces in nine different career fields in seven different  functional areas in direct support of Little Rock Air Force base Airlift operations.  As a result, the squadron won the 2010 Operational Support Squadron of the Year.  


2005-2009       Squadron Superintendent/Instructor Loadmaster  29th Weapons Squadron


Assisted in the development of training scenarios for the C-130 Weapons Instructor Course (WIC).  Instructed like and dislike crew positions in Crew Resource Management, Advanced Tactical Maneuvers, Flight Tactics, Aerial Delivery, Force Integration and Mission Employment. Supervised 16 enlisted flying instructors, Course Registrar, Training Manager, and six staff personnel supporting the largest United States Air Force Weapons Squadron.  Directed activities for 40+ enlisted personnel on 24 TDYs directly supporting the C-130 WIC syllabus.  Graduated 44, C-130 Weapons Officers for the USAF.


Jan-May 2005            Chief Instructor/Squadron Superintendent Iraqi Air Force 23d Squadron


Started the new Iraqi Air Force loadmaster corps.  Coordinated the activities of eight United States enlisted aircrew instructors in the ISD process. Developed the curriculum, the syllabus and then delivered the highest quality classroom/flight instruction to 18 Iraqi aircrew members despite significant language barriers and conducting instruction in a combat zone. Efforts resulted in the graduation of 2 pilots/1 Nav & 4 Loadmasters in 4 months!


2003-2005       50th Airlift Squadron Loadmaster Superintendent & Standardization/Evaluation


Trained, equipped, organized and led 55 loadmasters in the achievement of national security objectives.   Coordinated the completion of 40 different, individual ground/flight training requirements for each person annually.

Initiated, oversaw and executed “secondary training method” for initial C-130 qualification cross-flow loadmasters from C-5’s/C-141’s.  Acquired courseware, established syllabus and schedule and graduated 5 C-130H Mission Ready LMs.



Bachelors of Science: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2000

Major: Workforce Education and Development

Associates Degree: Community College of the Air Force, 2000

Major: Instructor of Technology

Associate Degree: Community College of the Air Force, 1994

Major: Aircrew Operations

Chief Master Sergeant’s Leadership Course, 2009

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Course, 2005

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